Tech Support

QR Codes Everywhere

We recently visited Sea World in Orlando, where we spotted this unique “Quick Response” or QR code, promoting Sea World’s upcoming Turtle Trek exhibit.

QR Codes EverywhereA QR code is a pictoral representation of information that can be easily read by devices such as your smart phone. You may have also used a QR code to check in at the airport.

To read a QR code, you need to install a free QR code reader on your phone. I use this one for iPhone and iPad called simply Scan. Or try this one from Kaywa which is more universal.

The code here on the turtle will automatically open a YouTube video about the new Turtle Trek exhibit, which looks really awesome. Try it!

1 Comment

  1. Ollie SET QR NZ

    04/23/2012 at 6:41 pm

    Nice, but a designer QR code would be much better. We recently did one for NZ National Aquarium which featured species of fish within the code, turtles, sharks etc.

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